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Escale at the Lycée professionnel Paul Lapie

A residency at the Opéra

An "escale" at the Lycée Professionnel Paul Lapie in Lunéville gave rise to an exceptional encounter between the Opera's artists and professional staff, students and teaching staff.

Convinced that a link could be forged between the professions taught at the Lycée and those of the Opera, an unusual troupe was welcomed to the Lycée under the best possible conditions during the week of September 18, 2023.

A wide range of opera professions were represented:

1. make-up and hair services with Justine,
2. ticketing and public relations with Noémie,
3. machinery with Corentin,
4. and the sewing workshop with Sarah

The eight meetings gave rise to a rich exchange of ideas.

In parallel with these meetings of technical and administrative professions, opera singer Halidou Nombre, choral conductor Guillaume Paire and pianist Solange Fober gave students the opportunity to hear and practice a repertoire that echoes this season's artistic program at the Opéra. After Halidou Nombre's Kurt Weil recital, Guillaume Paire engaged a choir of students for four days in learning a few pages by this great 20th-century composer. The performance took place on Thursday, September 21, in front of a large number of students and Lycée staff, in a soloist and choir program. Well done to all those who performed our repertoire so brilliantly!

A total of 675 high school students helped turn the Lycée Paul Lapie into a lyric theater for a week.

The event was part of the Pass Culture program.

See also

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