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A look back at "Tous en chœur" in images

A huge well done to the 200 students of the Nouveau Chœur des Jeunes gens de l'Opéra national de Lorraine, the musicians of our Orchestra conducted by Thierry Weber and the actress Félicité Chaton for this year of vocal practice which led to these two performances of Tous en chœur at L'Octroi Nancy on Thursday 8 and Friday 9 June.

And a big well done as well to all the teams at the Opéra who worked on this project!

With the sponsorship of AXA Assurances Vie Mutuelle, and the participation of the Berger-Levrault Foundation.

The schools have received support from the Académie Nancy-Metz-DAAC and the Département de Meurthe-et-Moselle.

In partnership with the Conservatoire régional du Grand Nancy and the Métropole du Grand Nancy.

See also

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