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09 Jan – 01 Feb 2025

In January 2025, the Opéra national de Lorraine is implementing a solidarity-based artistic programme aimed at all those who, because of their life situation, find themselves in a fragile position. As part of its Citizen Project, the Opéra organises numerous solidarity events throughout the year with local players in the fields of health and social work. Solidarity Month highlights some of the partnerships and audiences dear to the Opera.

Musical encounter with Ensemble Cappella Mediterranea - Thursday 9 January - 2.30pm - at the Opéra

Ensemble Cappella Mediterranea
Musical direction Leonardo García-Alarcón

To launch its Solidarity Month, the Opéra wanted to give access to Baroque treasures to spectators with reduced mobility. This audience showed up for the show Où allez-vous comme ça ? in 2024. It was then obvious to think of him for this musical encounter directed by Leonardo García-Alarcón, a well-known figure to audiences in Nancy, having directed a number of outstanding shows and concerts in recent years - including Rossi's Le Palais enchanté, Monteverdi's L'Orfeo, and the forthcoming Amour à mort from 10 to 12 January 2025.

Spectators and artists will be together on the stage of the Opéra to share what promises to be a warm moment of music.

Performances reserved for members of associations and partners working for the accessibility and inclusion of people with reduced mobility, and for spectators with reduced mobility and accompanying adults.


Entrance is via the artists' entrance at 1 rue Sainte-Catherine, 54000 Nancy.
Individual bookings should be made with Noémie de Freitas: our 03 83 85 30 60

Solidarity meal - Thursday 9 January - 7pm - at the Opéra* (in French)

In partnership with Fédélor (Fédération étudiante de Lorraine) and the Agoraés of Nancy
With the patronage of Grand Café Foy in Nancy

Orchestre de l’Opéra national de Lorraine

The Opéra national de Lorraine is bursting with treasures that we want to share with you! Specially designed for students invited by the Association Fédélor and its university partners, this free event not only gives you access to a meal prepared by the Grand Café Foy, but also to the musical beauties of the Opéra. Come and eat in a magical setting from 7pm, before settling down at 8pm in the Opera's big red room to discover the music that our artists have prepared for you. It's the perfect opportunity to take a joyful break from your student duties. We look forward to seeing you there!

Concert in aid of the Institut de Cancérologie de Lorraine (Lorraine Cancer Institute) - Tuesday 14 January - 8pm - at the Opéra

Because medical research is a cause that concerns us all, the Opéra is organising a major concert in aid of the Institut de Cancérologie de Lorraine.

More information here.

Opera Lullaby - Saturday 18 January - 2pm - at the Opéra*

Design Bogdan Hatisi
Acting and singing Charlie Guillemin, Majdouline Zerari
Musicians from the Orchestre de l’Opéra national de Lorraine

Opera Lullaby is a show specially designed for the very young. For its solidarity month, the Opéra national de Lorraine wanted to invite your children in particular to a reserved, free performance. Well aware of the daily constraints that weigh on families, the Opéra wants to offer a time of beautiful music to children, families and carers in contact with the structures on which they rely.

For more information on Opera Lullaby click here.

This session offers privileged access to Opera berceau for members of the public contacted by the following organisations: Accord’âge ; AEIM 54 ; CAMSP rue Isabey ; Centre d’éducation pour déficients visuels Santifontaine ; Centre de Ressource Polyhandicap ; CMPEA La Madeleine et Vandoeuvre ; Crèches Claudion, Botson ; Halte-garderie René II, Botson, Claudion ; Handisport ; JB Thiery ; Les Francas, Handiloisirs ; Oxygène Répit 54 ; Petit Pied familles rurales ; PMI Maison départementale ; Trisomie 21 Meurthe-et-Moselle ; UDAF : la Maison des aidants

« Under this roof, I experienced my first joy » - Friday 24 and Saturday 25 January - at the Salle Poirel

In partnership with Centre Psychothérapique de Nancy (CPN)

Orchestre de l’Opéra national de Lorraine

Choir of parties and carers from the CPN
Stage direction Noëmie Ksicova
Musical direction Silvina Peruglia
Musical direction of the Choir Guillaume Paire

Betrayed friendships, forbidden loves and guilt form an intimate material that will be sculpted on stage in a work of musical theatre inspired by Eugène Onéguine by director Noëmie Ksicova, with a troupe of non-professional artists.

More information here.

Opera Lullaby - Saturday 1 February - at the Salle des fêtes in Gentilly*.

With the support of the Etat au titre des Politiques de la Ville

Conception Bogdan Hatisi
Acting and singing Charlie Guillemin, Majdouline Zerari
Musicians of the Orchestre de l’Opéra national de Lorraine

The Opera returns to the Plateau de la Haye, at the Salle des Fêtes in Gentilly!
Come one, come all and enjoy a musical experience designed just for your babies!

For more information on Opera Lullaby click here.
Free on reservation at the Cité éducative de la Ville de Nancy

Musical blood donation - Friday 7 March - Noon to 6pm - l'Opéra

In partnership with the Établissement Français du Sang


  • Thu. 09 January 2025
    Opéra national de Lorraine
  • Thu. 09 January 2025
    Opéra national de Lorraine
  • Tue. 14 January 2025
    Opéra national de Lorraine
  • Sat. 18 January 2025
    Opéra national de Lorraine
  • Fri. 24 January 2025
    Salle Poirel
  • Sat. 25 January 2025
    Salle Poirel
  • Sat. 01 February 2025
    Opéra national de Lorraine


*Presentations reserved for associations and partners
If you are an association working in the fields described above, and you would like to take part in one of these events, please contact Elise NEMOZ at this email address


With the support of

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