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Êtes-vous amoureux ? - NOX#1

Cubes in the Greater Nancy area

Cubes NOX#1

Our lyrical concept Êtes-vous amoureux ? - NOX#1, lauched on March 25th on our website, has genereated more than 15.000 views for all the 12 short films based on Nancy inhabitants' love stories !

Now, you can discover the project by walking through Nancy. Indeed, some cubes with a mirror effect in the colours of the Nancy Opera Xperience have been placed neer each shooting location: the Alfred Nakache swimming pool, the place Charles III, the Nations shopping centre, the Musée des Beaux-Arts, the Albert 1er bus stop in Villers-lès-Nancy, the laundry on Place Henri Loritz, ...

(Re)discover the 12 short films of the NOX#1 by scanning the QR codes on the cubes! You can find its location thanks to the interactive map. One of them is surely close to you!

See also